Newsletter Sponsor Opportunity
The Minted Empire Newsletter, written by Keith Mint (see Twitter), is known as Publishers’ Pulse.
It is a new newsletter growing in popularity and dedicated to the topic of building, growing and monetizing niche websites & blogs.
Key Metrics: (Updated 16 Feb 2024)
- Open rate: 35.1%
- Click rate: 3.5%
- Subscribers: 2,263
Sponsorship Information
- The newsletter is sent most Fridays at 2 pm GMT.
- I’m open to sponsorship from services or products relevant to niche websites or blogs.
- Strictly one sponsor per newsletter. The newsletter will probably include other links and I’ll do my best to ensure clear separation to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
- All paid advertisements will be clearly marked as such.
- I reserve the right to refuse any sponsorship I believe not to be a good fit. No placement, no fee.
Advert Information
For you to supply, 7 days in advance:
- 150 words
- 1 image
- Up to 2 links (both links can be buttons)
Investment: $450 USD per newsletter issue. Full payment required before publishing. A bulk discount is available. Contact me for details.
Just a heads-up, I can’t promise specific results when you sponsor my newsletter, and because of how sponsorships work, I can’t give any refunds either. It’s important that you know this up front.
Some Feedback From Readers

Check Newsletter Sponsorship Availability
Use the calendar below to check availability and book.
Simply click on an available date and time and click on NEXT.
If you prefer, you can do this directly on my booking page on Calendly’s website.
Thanks for your interest in sponsoring the Minted Empire Newsletter.